Watch chandamama full movie online Gomovies. Chandamama (Telugu: చందమామ, English translation: Moon) is a 2007 Telugu movie directed by Krishna Vamsi with Navdeep and Shiva Balaji in the lead roles. Kajal Agarwal, known for playing the lead role in Lakshmi Kalyanam, is paired opposite Navdeep, while Sindhu Menon is playing the female lead opposite Shiva Balaji. The movie is produced by C. Kalyan and S. Vijayanand, the musical score is provided by K. M. Radha Krishnan and the base story by Akula Venkat. The film was released in September 2007. The film was remade under the name A Aa E Ee in Tamil by AVM Productions.
- Genre: Comedy, Romance, Family, Drama
- Country: India
- Director: Pasupuleti Krishna Vamsi
- Cast: Kajal Agarwal, Navdeep, Siva Balaji, Sindhu Menon, Ahuti Prasad, Uttej, Abhinaya Sri, Jeeva, Nagendra Babu,